Chapter 31. TOGAF ADM Guide-Through

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  4. 4. Phase A – Architecture Vision

4. Phase A – Architecture Vision

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Phase A (Architecture Vision) describes the initial phase of the Architecture Development Method (ADM). It includes information about defining the scope, identifying the stakeholders, creating the Architecture Vision, and obtaining approvals.


Phase A (Architecture Vision) includes the following main activities:

  • Initiates one iteration of the architecture process
    • Sets scope, constraints, expectations
    • Required at the start of every architecture cycle
  • Create the Architecture Vision
  • Validates business context
  • Creates Statement of Architecture work


The objectives of Phase A are to:

  • Develop a high-level aspirational vision of the capabilities and business value to be delivered as a result of the proposed Enterprise Architecture
  • Obtain approval for a Statement of Architecture Work that defines a program of works to develop and deploy the architecture outlined in the Architecture Vision


  •  Reference Materials External to the Enterprise
  •  Non-Architectural Inputs
  •  Architectural Inputs


The level of detail addressed in Phase A will depend on the scope and goals of the Request for Architecture Work, or the subset of scope and goals associated with this iteration of architecture development. The order of the steps in Phase A as well as the time at which they are formally started and completed should be adapted to the situation at hand in accordance with the established Architecture Governance. The steps in Phase A are as follows:

  1. Establish the Architecture Project
  2. Identify Stakeholders, Concerns, and Business Requirements
  3. Confirm and Elaborate Business Goals, Business Drivers, and Constraints
  4. Evaluate Capabilities
  5. Assess Readiness for Business Transformation
  6. Define Scope
  7. Confirm and Elaborate Architecture Principles, including Business Principles
  8. Develop Architecture Vision
  9. Define the Target Architecture Value Propositions and KPIs
  10. Identify the Business Transformation Risks and Mitigation Activities
  11. Develop Statement of Architecture Work; Secure Approval


The outputs of Phase A may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Approved Statement of Architecture Work
  • Refined statements of business principles, business goals, and business drivers
  • Architecture Principles
  • Capability Assessment
  • Tailored Architecture Framework
  • Architecture Vision
  • Draft Architecture Definition Document, including (when in scope)
  • Communications Plan
  • Additional content populating the Architecture Repository
