Abstract Factory

This is a UML class diagram example for the abstract factory design pattern. Purpose Provide an interface that delegates creation…

Factory Method

This is a UML class diagram for the factory method design pattern. Purpose Exposes a method for creating objects, allowing…


Design patterns are solutions to software reuse for software development in real-world. A pattern is the outline of a reusable…

Swimlane for Order Fulfilment

This is a UML activity diagram example for order fulfillment. A swimlane activity diagram groups the activities into swimlanes columns…

ATM Time Constraint

This sequence diagram example shows a simple scenario for the use of an automatic teller machine. In this scenario, the…

Financial Analysis

This is a Communication Diagram for financial analysis. A business collaboration diagram documents how business workers and business objects actually…

Relationships between Activates and Business Entities

This is an Activity Diagram example that shows the relationships between activities and business entities. Besides areas of responsibilities and…

Swinlane Proposal Process

This is an activity diagram example for the proposal process. Activity diagrams also describe the roles and areas of responsibilities…

Classes and Packages Constraints

This is a simple class diagram example that shows the use of constraints. Class or Package constraints may apply to…

Class in a Package (Airline)

This class diagram example describes the structural relationship of an airline information system. The Passenger and milesAccount Classes appear in…