
This sequence diagram example depicts the objects and messages for a scenario of the Make Appointment use case, which describes…

Time Constraints (Hospital Bed Allocation)

This is a Sequence Diagram example that shows you how it can deal with timing information. Constraints: are usually used…

Message Numbering

This is a sequence diagram example that shows the various ways of message numbering. Posted by:

Poke Player (Betting Round)

This is a sequence diagram example for poke player. The scenario begins after the Start New Round case has completed.…

Poke Sequence Diagram (New Game Round)

This is a simple sequence diagram that shows a game flow. The scenario begins when the player chooses to start…

Using MVC Stereotypes with Conditional Statement

This is a sequence diagram example that uses MVC stereotype with conditional statements. The customer specifies an author on the…

Selection and Loops in a Combination

This is a sequence diagram that shows the representation of selection and loop. frame: box around part of diagram to…

Object Creation and Deletion

This is a sequence diagram example that shows object creation and deletion. creation: arrow with 'new' written above it –…

Make a Phone Call

This sequence diagram example shows how object participates for making a phone call, starting from pick up a phone, hearing…

Bank Quote

This is a simple sequence diagram example for bank quote. The loan broker then calls the bank quote gateway. This…