Application Usage

This ArchiMate diagram example describes how applications are used to support one or more business processes, and how they are…

Application Structure

This ArchiMate diagram example shows the structure of one or more applications or components, that helps to design or understand…

Application Co-Operation

This ArchiMate diagram example describes the relationships between applications components in terms of the information flows between them, or in…

Application Behavior

This ArchiMate diagram example describes the internal behavior of an application; e.g., as it realizes one or more application services.…

Company Products

This ArchiMate example depicts the value that these products offer to the customers or other external parties involved and shows…

Business Process Co-operation

This ArchiMate diagram example shows the relationships of one or more business processes with each other and/or with their environment.…

Business Process 3

The ArchiMate example shows the high-level structure and composition of one or more business processes. Next to the processes themselves,…

Business Function

This ArchiMate diagram example shows the main business functions of an organization and their relationships in terms of the flows…

Collaboration of Actors

This ArchiMate diagram example puts an organization into its environment, consisting of external parties such as customers, suppliers, and other…

Describe an Organization

This ArchiMate diagram example describes on the (internal) organization of a company, a department, a network of companies, or of…