UML Diagrams

Class in a Package (Airline)

This class diagram example describes the structural relationship of an airline information system. The Passenger and milesAccount Classes appear in…


This sequence diagram example depicts the objects and messages for a scenario of the Make Appointment use case, which describes…

Time Constraints (Hospital Bed Allocation)

This is a Sequence Diagram example that shows you how it can deal with timing information. Constraints: are usually used…

Message Numbering

This is a sequence diagram example that shows the various ways of message numbering. Posted by:

Poke Player (Betting Round)

This is a sequence diagram example for poke player. The scenario begins after the Start New Round case has completed.…

Poke Sequence Diagram (New Game Round)

This is a simple sequence diagram that shows a game flow. The scenario begins when the player chooses to start…

Using MVC Stereotypes with Conditional Statement

This is a sequence diagram example that uses MVC stereotype with conditional statements. The customer specifies an author on the…

Selection and Loops in a Combination

This is a sequence diagram that shows the representation of selection and loop. frame: box around part of diagram to…

Object Creation and Deletion

This is a sequence diagram example that shows object creation and deletion. creation: arrow with 'new' written above it –…

Make a Phone Call

This sequence diagram example shows how object participates for making a phone call, starting from pick up a phone, hearing…