UML Diagrams

Passenger Service

This is a use case diagram example of Passenger Service. Posted by:

Software Development Management

This is a use case diagram example of a Online Library System. Posted by:

Online Library System

This is a use case diagram example of a Online Library System Posted by:

Carpark System

This is a use case diagram example of a Carpark System. Posted by:

Break-down Use Case into User Tasks, Epics of User Stories

This is a use case diagram that illustrates the idea of how use cases can be broken down into epics…

Packages as Release Plan

This is a use case diagram example of Packages as Release Plan. Posted by:

Order Process System

This is a use case diagram example of a Order Process System. Posted by:

Generalization Use Case

A generalisation relationship between Use Cases indicates that the child Use Cases inherit the properties of the parent Use Case.…

“Include” and “Extend” Use Cases

This use case diagram example depicts a model of several business use cases (goals) which represents the interactions between a…

Website (structuring use cases with extend and include use case)

UML defines three stereotypes of association between Use Cases: <<include>> - The time to use the «include» relationship is after…