GoF Design Patterns

Chain of Responsibility

This is a UML class diagram example for the Chain of Responsibility design pattern. Purpose Gives more than one object…


This is a UML class diagram example for the Proxy design pattern. Purpose Allows for object level access control by…


This is a UML class diagram example for the Flyweight design pattern. Purpose Facilitates the reuse of many fine grained…


This is a UML class diagram for the Facade design pattern. Purpose Supplies a single interface to a set of…


This is a UML class diagram example for the Decorator design pattern. Purpose Allows for the dynamic wrapping of objects…


This is a class diagram example for the Composite design pattern. Purpose Facilitates the creation of object hierarchies where each…


This is a UML class diagram example for the Bridge design pattern. Purpose Defines an abstract object structure independently of…


This is a UML class diagram example for the Adapter design pattern. Purpose Permits classes with disparate interfaces to work…


This is a UML class diagram example for the Singleton design pattern. Purpose Ensures that only one instance of a…


This is a UML class diagram example for the prototype design pattern. Purpose Create objects based upon a template of…