Ticket Selling System

This class diagram example shows several important classes, such as Customer, Reservation, Ticket, and Performance: Customers may have many reservations,…

Eliminating Project Risks

This is a Cause and Effect diagram that represents project risks. Software could be associated with serious problems, the adoption…

Prepare Project Proposal

Here is a PERT chart example that shows the tasks in within a system analysis and design life cycle. Suppose…

Develop PERT Chart from Structure Task List

In this PERT Chart example, a list of tasks list should have been developed in a structured way similar like…

Enhanced Pert Chart for Task Management Automation

Here is a PERT chart example. A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate…

Software Development Example

Here is a PERT chart example. PERT, short for Project Evaluation and Review Technique, is a popular project management tool used to represent, schedule…

Job Posting

This BPMN example illustrates a process of a Business Department to Human Resources starting with reporting a job opening and…

Vendor Management System

This BPMN example shows a to-be purchasing process for creating new Vendors. This BPM shows multiple tasks, gateways (decisions) and…

Request of Quote

This BPMN diagram example describe a process for a request for a quote. It shows activities, an event for a…

Payment Process Using Annotations

A simple business process diagram example for modeling a payment process. It shows how events, gateways, decisions and annotations naming…