PERT Chart

PERT, short for Project Evaluation and Review Technique, is a popular project management tool used to represent, schedule and coordinate tasks involved in a project. In a PERT chart, tasks are represented as a network of nodes. The direction of connectors among tasks indicate the sequence of tasks.

Prepare Project Proposal

Here is a PERT chart example that shows the tasks in within a system analysis and design life cycle. Suppose…

Develop PERT Chart from Structure Task List

In this PERT Chart example, a list of tasks list should have been developed in a structured way similar like…

Enhanced Pert Chart for Task Management Automation

Here is a PERT chart example. A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate…

Software Development Example

Here is a PERT chart example. PERT, short for Project Evaluation and Review Technique, is a popular project management tool used to represent, schedule…