General Purposes Examples |
Mind Map Diagrams
Leaning how to use mind map to represent ideas and concepts in visual graphical way helping you to structure information, leading you to better analyse, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.
Radar Chart
Maturity analysis is the process to determine the level of maturity of a given set of factors. Such as, what is the capability level of your development team? With a maturity model, you can easily find answers to all these questions.
Breakdown Structure Diagrams
Examples for breakdown structure as a project management tool includes Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Resource Breakdown Structure, Risk Breakdown Structure and Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS).
Implementation Plan Diagrams
A project management tool shows how a software project plan at a high level for ensuring the work developed by the development team on time and within budget.
Migration Roadmap
Migration Roadmap represents the time frame of individual sub-projects and the critical transitions, using a migration roadmap. Advanced features like: Project investment point, review point and inter-dependency link among projects are also available.
Cause and Effect Diagrams
Cause and Effect Diagrams also called Fishbone Diagrams. Examples show you how to explore and identify the potential factors that may be causing or contributing to a particular problem (or effect).