This is a BPMN diagram example. The order fulfilment process starts after receiving an order message and continues to check whether the ordered article is available or not. An available article is shipped to the customer followed by a financial settlement, which is a collapsed sub-process in this diagram. In case that an article is not available, it has to be procured by calling the procurement sub-process. Please note that the shape of this collapsed sub-process is thickly bordered which means that it is a call activity. It is like a wrapper for a globally defined task or, like in this case, sub-process.
*Extracted from OMG BPMN 2.0 by Example
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Posted by: Shirley Langley
Order fulfillment is defined as the steps involved in receiving, processing and delivering orders to end customers. A fulfillment service is defined as a third-party company that provides these order fulfillment steps on behalf of another party, such as an online seller
Order fulfillment is an end to end process. From processing the order to the time of delivery. All come with the customer satisfaction and the kind of services provided.
Request satisfaction is a conclusion to end process. From preparing the request to the season of conveyance. All accompany the consumer loyalty and the sort of administrations gave
This has explained the order fulfillment very well…My first time here and learning something new here
Request satisfaction is characterized as the means associated with accepting, handling and conveying requests to end clients. A satisfaction administration is characterized as an outsider organization that gives these request satisfaction steps in the interest of another gathering, for example, an online dealer