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Develop PERT Chart from Structure Task List

In this PERT Chart example, a list of tasks list should have been developed in a structured way similar like the table here. We can then develop a PERT Chart fill in the start date and end state and the Task name. The system will automatically calculate the duration and number of day for you. Finally, you can assign the RACI role for different person and then auto-assign the tasks into the Tasifier. (Visit Enhance PERT Chart for a Complete Tutorial)

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Enhanced Pert Chart for Task Management Automation

Here is a PERT chart example. A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique, a methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program.

In addition to the functions of an ordinary PERT Chart, the Enhanced PERT Chart tool embedded four major features for integrating with different processes with Tasifier, the Task Management tool:

  1. Selection of Responsible person (associate the task who responsible for)
  2. Task-based RACI (Responsible - Accountable - Consult - Inform)
  3. Task to Task Manager (Visual Paradigm Tasifier)
  4. Automated RACI in Task Manager (See Complete tutorial for Enhanced RACI Pert Chart)
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Software Development Example

Here is a PERT chart example. PERT, short for Project Evaluation and Review Technique, is a popular project management tool used to represent, schedule and coordinate tasks involved in a project. In a PERT chart, tasks are represented as a network of nodes. The direction of connectors among tasks indicate the sequence of tasks.

This PERT Chart example shows an example of PERT Chart that shows the major, high level development activities in a software project. It consists of three major components:

Lane: A lane organizes and categorizes tasks into a group associated with a concept such as a phase or a person.
Task: A piece of work involved in project. Each task consists of a task name, an ID, the start and end date, and the person who are responsible for it.
Dependency (connector): Shows the sequence of tasks. A task cannot begin until one or more tasks have occurred, begun or completed.

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Job Posting

This BPMN example illustrates a process of a Business Department to Human Resources starting with reporting a job opening and finishing with posting the job advert which includes flows, tasks, start and end events and gateways.

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Request of Quote

This BPMN diagram example describe a process for a request for a quote. It shows activities, an event for a time out and a marker showing in the sub-process loops.

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Payment Process Using Annotations

A simple business process diagram example for modeling a payment process. It shows how events, gateways, decisions and annotations naming of the BPM notation could be used in the process.

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Discussion and Moderation Process

This BPMN example illustrate a discussion process using email and conference call. It shows the following BPM elements: activities, timers, decisions, start event, end event, annotations, data associations, sequence flows, and data, and a parallel gateway.

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Car Rental Process

This is a simplified of a business process example for hiring a car. It shows lanes, tasks and connectors The activities are: Enter user and dates, Get client information, Get available cars, Select car, Submit car reservation, Get confirmation and Show reservation.

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Patient Business Process

This BPM example shows swimlanes for the Doctor's Office and a Patient. The flow starts from when the patient's illness occurs, goes through setting up an appointment, getting prescription and receiving medicine. Both lanes have start and end events. Message flows are also shown along with Sequence flows. Several tasks are shown and annotation are shown as the message flows.

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