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How to Create a Mind Map?

This is a mind map example that shows you how to create a mind map.

Mind mapping is a visual exercise to help students organize and structure complex content. It focuses on developing a hierarchy of information to work out key components, their subsets and relationships to each other. Focus on one central word or idea and use branches to depict the importance of ideas.

  1. Create a Central Idea. The central idea is the starting point of your Mind Map and represents the topic you are going to explore.
  2. Add branches to your map. The next step to get your creative juices flowing is to add branches.
  3. Connect related nodes
  4. Touch-up the design
    1. Identify keywords.
    2. Colour code your branches.
    3. Include images.
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This is a UML class diagram example for the Decorator pattern.

Allows for the dynamic wrapping of objects in order to modify their existing responsibilities and behaviors.

Use When
- Object responsibilities and behaviors should be dynamically modifiable.
- Concrete implementations should be decoupled from responsibilities and behaviors.
- Subclassing to achieve modification is impractical or impossible.
- Specific functionality should not reside high in the object hierarchy.
- A lot of little objects surrounding a concrete implementation is acceptable.

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Interactive Overview Diagram Example – Inspection

This is an Interaction Overview Diagram example.

The Interaction Overview Diagram focuses on the overview of the flow of control of the interactions. It is a variant of the Activity Diagram where the nodes are the interactions or interaction occurrences. The Interaction Overview Diagram describes the interactions where messages and lifelines are hidden. You can link up the "real" diagrams and achieve high degree navigability between diagrams inside the Interaction Overview Diagram.

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State / Condition lifeline vs General Value lifeline

This is a State Machine Diagram example.

The state / condition notation shows states as a list next to the relevant participant. A state-line is then needed to show what state a participant is in at a given time. Unfortunately, if a participant has many different states, then the amount of space needed to model a participant on the timing diagram will grow quickly.

The general value notation fixes this problem by removing the vertical list of different states. It places a participant's states directly at the point in time when the participant is in that state. Therefore, the state-line is no longer needed, and all of the states for a particular participant can be placed in a single line across the diagram.

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Composite Structure Diagram Example – A Car

This is a Composite Structure Diagram example.

Composite structure diagram is a kind of UML diagram that visualizes the internal structure of a class or collaboration. It is a kind of component diagram mainly used in modeling a system at micro point-of-view.

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