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This sequence diagram example depicts the objects and messages for a scenario of the Make Appointment use case, which describes the process by which a client creates a new appointment or cancels or reschedules an appointment for the doctor’s office appointment system.

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Time Constraints (Hospital Bed Allocation)

This is a Sequence Diagram example that shows you how it can deal with timing information.

  1. Constraints: are usually used to show timing constraints on messages. They can apply to the timing of one message or intervals between messages.
  2. Durations: The duration of activations or the time between messages can be show with construction marks.
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Poke Player (Betting Round)

This is a sequence diagram example for poke player.

The scenario begins after the Start New Round case has completed. The UI asks the first player for a bet. That player chooses to either bet a given amount, or check (no bet).

The next player is asked what to do. If the prior player placed a bet, the next player must either match ("see") it, or match it plus add an additional bet ("raise"), or choose not to match and exit the round ("fold"). This continues around the table until an entire pass is made in which all players have either matched all other players' bets or folded.

If the next player doesn't have enough money to match the current bet, the player is allowed to bet all of their money. But they can then win only up to the amount they bet; the rest is a "side pot" among the more wealthy players remaining in the round.

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Poke Sequence Diagram (New Game Round)

This is a simple sequence diagram that shows a game flow.

The scenario begins when the player chooses to start a new round in the UI. The UI asks whether any new players want to join the round; if so, the new players are added using the UI.

All players' hands are emptied into the deck, which is then shuffled. The player left of the dealer supplies an ante bet of the proper amount. Next each player is dealt a hand of two cards from the deck in a round-robin fashion; one card to each player, then the second card.

If the player left of the dealer doesn't have enough money to ante, he/she is removed from the game, and the next player supplies the ante. If that player also cannot afford the ante, this cycle continues until such a player is found or all players are removed.

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Using MVC Stereotypes with Conditional Statement

This is a sequence diagram example that uses MVC stereotype with conditional statements.

  1. The customer specifies an author on the search page
  2. The system validates the customer’s search criteria
  3. The system search the catalog for books associated with the specified author
  4. When the search is complete, the system displays the search results on the search result page
  5. If the customer did not enter the name of the author, the system display an error message
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Selection and Loops in a Combination

This is a sequence diagram that shows the representation of selection and loop.

frame: box around part of diagram to indicate if or loop

  • if -> (opt) [condition]
  • if/else -> (alt) [condition], separated by horizontal dashed line
  • loop -> (loop) [condition or items to loop over]

In this example:

For each of the line item in the order - if the item value > 10,000 then dispatch through careful Distributor, else dispatch through regular distributor.

If any items fall into “needsConfirmation” condition the confirm message will be sent to the messenger.

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Object Creation and Deletion

This is a sequence diagram example that shows object creation and deletion.

  1. creation: arrow with 'new' written above it – notice that an object created after the start of the scenario appears lower than the others
  2. deletion: an X at bottom of object's lifeline – Java doesn't explicitly delete objects; they fall out of scope and are garbage-collected
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Make a Phone Call

This sequence diagram example shows how object participates for making a phone call, starting from pick up a phone, hearing the dial tone, dialling, ring, notification and pick up the phone and started the conversation.

Note that: some of the messages are simplified, such as dialling a number should be one number at a time in a repeated process

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Bank Quote

This is a simple sequence diagram example for bank quote.

The loan broker then calls the bank quote gateway. This component performs the predictive routing operation by calling each bank in turn. The bank components model the interface to a real-world banking operation. For example the Bank1 class is the interface to the Bank1WS.jws Web Service that models the banking operation. When a loan request comes in, there is some amount of clerical work performed before generating the rate quote based on all the parameters. In this example, the rate quote is generated by a banking Web service.

The bank quote gateway aggregates the responses from the banks and chooses the best quote from all the quotes received. The response is sent back to the loan broker, which formats the data from the best quote and returns the report to the client.

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