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Goal Realization

This ArchiMate diagram example models the refinement of (high-level) goals into more concrete goals, and the refinement of concrete goals into requirements or constraints that describe the properties that are needed to realize the goals. The refinement of goals into subgoals is modeled using the aggregation relationship. The refinement of goals into requirements is modeled using the realization relationship.

In addition, the principles may be modeled that guide the refinement of goals into requirements.

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This ArchiMate diagram example models the stakeholders, the internal and external drivers for change, and the assessments (in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of these drivers. Also, the links to the initial (high-level) goals that address these concerns and assessments may be described. These goals form the basis for the requirements engineering process, including goal refinement, contribution and conflict analysis, and the derivation of requirements that realize the goals.

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The ArchiMate model illustrates the use of the influence relationship for making a trade-off between the two requirements that realize the goal Improve portfolio management. The goal Increase customer satisfaction and the principle Systems should be customer facing are used as trade-off criteria. Both requirements positively influence the intended increase of customer satisfaction. The requirement of using a personal assistant scores a little better for this criterion. However, the requirement scores a lot worse for the customer-facing criterion. The positive score of the requirement Provide on-line portfolio service for the customer-facing principle is consistent with the description of the requirement realizing the principle in an earlier example.

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The model here illustrates several ways to use the realization relationship. Principle Systems should be customer facing is a means to realize the goal Reduce interaction with customer. Requirement Provide on-line portfolio service is a means to realize sub-goal Facilitate self-service, and to realize the principle Systems should be customer facing. And this requirement can be realized by the business service On-line portfolio service.

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Aggregation or Decomposition

The ArchiMate example shows the two ways to express the decomposition of goal Reduce workload employees into the sub goals Reduce interaction with customer and Reduce manual work.

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This ArchiMate example illustrates the use of principles. Principle Systems should be customer facing is modeled as a means to realize the goals Reduce interaction with customer and Reduce manual work. The principle is further specialized into the requirements Provide on-line portfolio service and Provide on-line information service to apply the principle to the actual systems (architecture) under design.

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For the realization of a new portfolio management application, two constraints are imposed, as shown in the ArchiMate model here: for the realization of the application, Java should be used, and the budget of the implementation project is limited to 500k Euro.

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Requirement Modeling

The ArchiMate diagram example illustrates the decomposition of goals towards requirements. The goals Facilitate self-service and Make customer interaction more effective result from the successive decomposition of the goals Reduce workload employees and Reduce interaction with customer. The goal Facilitate self-service can be realized by the alternative requirements Provide on-line portfolio service and Provide on-line information service. Both requirements are realized by some software application. In addition, the requirement Provide on-line portfolio service may realize the goal Improve portfolio management. Alternatively, this goal can be realized by assigning a personal assistant to each customer.

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The ArchiMate example illustrates the modeling of goals to address the assessments of the driver Costs: the applications costs and the costs of employees are too high. The former assessment is addressed by the goals Reduce maintenance costs and Reduce direct application costs (of usage). The latter assessment is addressed by the goal Reduce workload employees, which is decomposed into Reduce manual work and Reduce interaction with customer.

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The ArchiMate example describes the assessments of driver Customer satisfaction and the sub-concern Helpdesk support. In this case, all assessments represent weaknesses. Concerning Customer satisfaction in general, customers complain and even leave ArchiSurance. The assessment Complaining customers is further detailed and divided into four complaints: the lack of insight into the status of a claim, the inconvenient way of submitting claims, the lack of insight into the customer’s portfolio, and the inconsistency and incompleteness of customer information. Concerning Helpdesk support in particular, customers experience long waiting queues and high service times.

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