Chapter 37. MODAF Tool

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  4. 4. Operational Viewpoint
  5. OV-1c – Operational Performance Attributes

OV-1c – Operational Performance Attributes

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The OV-1c provides detail of the operational performance attributes associated with the scenario/use case represented in the OV-1a, High-Level Operating Concept Graphic, and how these might evolve over time.

An OV-1c Product is used to specify quantifiable attributes and values within the scenario/use case represented in the OV-1a. The values expressed define the performance of specific or multiple capability elements and can be represented as either single values or a range of values across a defined timescale. The data may indicate changes in particular performance parameters from one Enterprise Phase to the next.


The intended usage of the OV-1c includes:

  • Definition of performance characteristics.
  • Measures of effectiveness (input to URD).

Product Description

OV-1c is represented with a table that lists the performance attributes to use in measuring the performance of an operational scenario or use case.

The performance can be measured in a variety of different ways depending upon the scenario context, the capabilities needed to satisfy the requirement and the systems deployed to provide the required capabilities. Possible attributes may include operational tempo, the accuracy of targeting, fratricide rate, etc. Furthermore, it may be possible to link the attributes to a specific system or it may only possible to consider the attributes as an emergent property, for example, they are dependent upon all of the elements that are interacting within the scenario, rather than an attribute of the individual elements.

The attributes and values that are specified may be as single values (eg the target engagement process is to be concluded in a maximum time of 25 minutes) or may be used to represent trends or targets that are expected to be achieved. This type of attribute would be represented by a number of values for various points in time or periods of time.

Creating an Operational Performance Attributes table

To create an Operational Performance Attributes table:

  1. Click on Operational Performance Attributes in the Action Artifact area, and then select Create New Diagram.
  2. Type the diagram name and press Enter.
  3. Create a new row of performance measurement and enter the details.

MODAF Example: Operational Performance Attributes

MODAF in Visual Paradigm

The MODAF is brought to you by Visual Paradigm, a full-featured development platform. Visual Paradigm provides an easy-to-use, model-driven MODAF tool that supports the development of MODAF views and models. You can create integrated MODAF products and generate architectural documents that facilitate organizations to efficiently coordinate enterprise architecture initiatives.