Chapter 37. MODAF Tool

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  4. 4. Operational Viewpoint
  5. OV-6b – Operational State Transition Description

OV-6b – Operational State Transition Description

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The OV-6b is a graphical method of describing how a node changes in response events that affect it. OV-6b specifies the states a node can have, and the possible transitions (i.e. changes of state) between them. Triggers for state changes may also be defined.


The intended usage of the OV-6b includes:

  • Analysis of business events.
  • Behavioural analysis.
  • Identification of constraints (input to SRD).

Product Description

An OV-6b depicts states and state transitions for a node.

Creating an Operational State Transition Description diagram

To create an Operational State Transition Description diagram:

  1. Click on Operational State Transition Description in the Action Artifact area, and then select Create New Diagram.
  2. You are creating a table for managing the state diagrams. Type a name for the table. You can create multiple tables based on different contexts (e.g. by phases, purposes, etc).
  3. This opens a table where you can create and manage state diagrams. Click on New Operational State Machines Definition above the table to create a new row.
  4. Under the first column, select the context to create state diagram, which can be an OperationalPerformer or OperationalArchitecture.
  5. Under the second column, create the state diagram(s). The diagram created will be added to the selected context element as a sub-diagram.

MODAF Example: Operational State Transition Description