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Project Portfolio

This is an implementation plan example for project portfolio management. Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is the centralized management of the processes, methods, and technologies used by project managers and project management offices (PMOs) to analyse and collectively manage current or proposed projects based on numerous key characteristics. Top level timeline visualizes multiple projects of an organization is consolidated in a holistic view.

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Software Application Development

Having a visual project timeline that clearly communicates the important milestones and tasks is an essential tool for successful planning or project management. Project timelines outline the major deliverables or activities of a project in a chronological sequence.

This implementation plan example illustrates a typical one year software application development project template.

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Software Implementation Timeline

project plan is a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project. A project plan is the key to a successful project and is the most important document that needs to be created when starting any business project. A project plan timeline is an essential tool that is used to estimate project duration and to model different scenarios that enable teams to develop project plans with milestones, dependencies and deliverables.

This implementation plan example show a typical one year IT project plan.

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Simple Planning

Implementation Plan is a project management tool that shows how a software project will evolve at a high level. When properly developed, an implementation plan ensures that development team are working to deliver works that meet the customers' needs in time.

An implementation plan can serve many purposes:

  • A communication tool used when building consensus with project stakeholders regarding the delivery date of works.
  • A calendar for the team to follow
  • Estimation and validation of project plan - Ensure works will be delivered in time.

Here is an implementation diagram example for planning the initial implementation plan for a simple software project

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Sample Project Roadmap

Roadmap is a company’s action plan to realizing a certain business strategy consisting of concrete steps to be undertaken for realization of business goals and priorities. It includes a timeline (4 seasons in this example) and initiatives categorized by a certain work stream (7 categories in this example). This implementation plan examples is used to model business management project planning.

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Refining Use Case

A use case diagram example consists of four use cases: place order, check status, fill orders and establish credit. Order can be placed directly by customer or a salesperson and they can also check the order status later on. Shipping clerk is responsible for filling the order and the supervise can establish the credit level for customer according the past record and financial information submitted by the customer. Now let us refine the main use case – place order

Include Use Case - The include and extend relationships are drawn as dashed arrows with the keyword «include» or «extend». The include relationship points at the use case to be included; the extend relationship points at the use case to be extended.

Extend Use Case - A use case can also be defined as an incremental extension to a base use case. This is called an extend relationship. There may be several extensions of the same base use case that may all be applied together.

Child Use Case - Use case generalization is drawn the same as any generalization, as a line from the child use case to the parent use case with a large triangular arrowhead on the parent end.

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This is a class diagram example that shows the use of qualifier. If an association attribute is unique within a set of related objects, then it is a qualifier. A qualifier is a value that selects a unique object from the set of related objects across an association. Lookup tables and arrays may be modelled as qualified associations. Qualifiers are important for modeling names and identification codes. Qualifiers also model indexes in a design model.

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Association Class and Self Association

This is a class diagram example that shows the use of association class.

Some people have several jobs, but with different employers. For example, at night John is a security guard at Pub 911, where he earns $9/hr and his boss is the club's bar tender. In the day he is a programmer for MicroHard, where he earns $20/hr and his boss is a MicroHard project manager. Where can we store John's salary and boss information?

To solve this problem we can use the Job association class. Now John's security guard job and programmer job are association objects: instances of a Job class. Each instance encapsulates a salary, an employer link, and an employee link. We can represent the Boss relationship as a Job self-association.

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Self Association

This is a class diagram example that shows the use of self association.

An association describes discrete connections among objects or other instances in a system. An association relates an ordered list (tuple) of two or more classifiers, with repetitions permitted. The most common kind of association is a binary association between a pair of classifiers. An instance of an association is a link. A link comprises a tuple (an ordered list) of objects, each drawn from its corresponding class. A binary link comprises a pair of objects.

Self Association also called reflexive association, that is, A single object may be associated with itself if the same class appears more than once in an association. If the same class appears twice in an association, the two instances do not have to be the same object, and usually they are not.

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Ticket Selling System

This is a package diagram example for ticket selling.

A subsystem is another special package. It represents a portion of a system, with a crisp interface that can be implemented as a distinct component. Model management information is usually shown on class diagrams. This example shows the breakdown of the entire theatre system into packages and their dependency relationships. The box office subsystem includes the previous examples in this chapter; the full system also includes theatre operations and planning subsystems. Each subsystem consists of several packages.

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