In team collaboration, ‘import project’ refers to the process of creating a project in server. Team members can open the imported project and work on it locally in Visual Paradigm.
Importing a new project
To import a blank project from Visual Paradigm:
- Select Project > New from the toolbar.
- In the New Project window, enter the project name. Information like Author, data type set and project description are optional.
- At the bottom of the window, click on Advanced Options to expand it. Then, select Save in VPository (or Save in Teamwork Server if your team use Teamwork Server for versioning).
- You now have two choices. If you just want to import the project to server without deciding team members’ access rights to this project, click Create Blank Project. You and the manager account owner can modify members’ access rights later on through the web interface of Visual Paradigm Online/Teamwork Server. If you want to set access rights now, click Add Project Member > instead.
- In the Project Members screen, grant either or both the read and update rights to the other members/groups. The Read permission means that member can only checkout the project and read its content. The Update permission means that member can both read the project content and commit changes to server. If you want to invite someone who are not yet a member of Visual Paradigm Online to access the project, click Invite New Member…, enter his/her name and email and send an invitation. He/she will receive an invitation email. By clicking on the confirmation link in the email, he/she will become a member of Visual Paradigm Online.
- Click Create Blank Project when done. The project will then be imported to server. You and the team members with read and/or update rights can open the project in Visual Paradigm.
Importing an opening project
When you are opening a local project that is not yet managed under Visual Paradigm Online or Teamwork Server, you can import it to the server by performing the steps below.
- Select Project > Save as from the toolbar.
- In the Save Project window, keep VP Online (or VP Teamwork Server) selected at the top of the window.
- If necessary, change the project name.
- You now have two choices. If you just want to import the project to server without deciding team members’ access rights to this project, click Import. You and the manager account owner can modify members’ access rights later on through the web interface of Visual Paradigm Online/Teamwork Server. If you want to set access rights now, click Add Project Member > instead.
- In the Project Members screen, grant either or both the read and update rights to the other members/groups. The Read permission means that member can only checkout the project and read its content. The Update permission means that member can both read the project content and commit changes to server. If you want to invite someone who are not yet a member of Visual Paradigm Online to access the project, click Invite New Member…, enter his/her name and email and send an invitation. He/she will receive an invitation email. By clicking on the confirmation link in the email, he/she will become a member of Visual Paradigm Online.
- Click Import when done. The project will then be imported to server. You and the team members with read and/or update rights can open the project in Visual Paradigm.
Importing a project file (.vpp)
If you want to import a Visual Paradigm project file (*.vpp) to server, you can either open it in Visual Paradigm first and perform the steps described in the previous section to import it to server, or perform the steps below to directly import the .vpp file to server.
- Select Team > Utilities > Open Teamwork Client… from the toolbar.
- In the Teamwork Client window, select Project > Import Project to Repository from the main menu.
- In the Import Project window, select the source of project file, select Existing Project for Import from.
- Provide the file path of the Visual Paradigm project file (.vpp) to import.
- You now have two choices. If you just want to import the project to server without deciding team members’ access rights to this project, click Import. You and the manager account owner can modify members’ access rights later on through the web interface of Visual Paradigm Online/Teamwork Server. If you want to set access rights now, click Add Project Member > instead.
- In the Project Members screen, grant either or both the read and update rights to the other members/groups. The Read permission means that member can only checkout the project and read its content. The Update permission means that member can both read the project content and commit changes to server. If you want to invite someone who are not yet a member of Visual Paradigm Online to access the project, click Invite New Member…, enter his/her name and email and send an invitation. He/she will receive an invitation email. By clicking on the confirmation link in the email, he/she will become a member of Visual Paradigm Online.