In team collaboration, ‘update’ is the process of refreshing your current copy by merging changes that others have made and committed previously to server. Similar to commit, update is a process of merging differences instead of overwriting. When any of your changes contradicts the changes others have made, you will be asked to resolve conflict. All conflicts have to be resolved before proceeding with updating. To update:
- Select Team > Utilities > Open Teamwork Client… from the toolbar.
- If the change you made contradicts the change made by another team member, this will result in a conflict. You must resolve all the conflicts in order to continue. For details, read the Resolving conflicts section below. Clear the conflicts, if any, and continue.
- The Update window displays the changes to be made upon updating. Click Update to proceed.
Overview of Update window
No. | Name | Description |
1 | Diagrams tab | The diagram level changes to be performed when you execute update. |
2 | Model Elements tab | The model element level changes to be performed when you execute update. |
3 | Nicknames tab | The changes of nickname to be performed when you execute update. |
4 | Files tab | The file changes to be performed when you execute update. |
5 | Changes tab | All the changes to be performed when you execute update. |
6 | Expand All | Expand the tree nodes in the tree below. |
7 | Collapse All | Collapse the tree nodes in the tree below. |
8 | Tree | List out the changes to be performed when you execute update. |
9 | Preview | The preview of the element as selected in the tree on the left hand side. |
10 | Open Specification | Click on this button to open the specification of element selected in the tree on the left hand side. |
11 | Property name | The name of conflicted property. |
12 | Server update | The value of property in server project copy. |
13 | Original value | The current value of property (before updating). |
14 | Update | Proceed updating |
15 | Cancel | Cancel updating and close the window. |
Updating multiple projects
Instead of updating a single project, you can update multiple project files at the same time, for those listed in the Teamwork Client window as managed projects.
- Select Team > Utilities > Open Teamwork Client… from the toolbar.
- From the project list on the left hand side, select the projects to update.
- Right click on the selection and select Update… from the popup menu.
Resolving conflict
If the change you made contradicts the change made by another team member, this will result in a conflict. For example, your colleague has renamed a class from School to University and performed a commit and then you rename the same class to College and perform an update. This produces a conflict.
When a conflict occurs, you must resolve it in order to continue updating . You have to resolve conflict by overwriting or reverting the conflicted change. Overwrite means to adopt the server copy’s change, while Revert means to adopt the local’s change.
No. | Name | Description |
1 | List of change (action) | List of changes to be performed. Initially only conflicted changes are listed. You can uncheck Show conflicts only to list all changes. |
2 | Preview | The preview of the element as selected in the tree on the left hand side. |
3 | Conflicted properties | The properties that cause conflicts are listed in this panel. |
4 | Open Specification | Click on this button to open the specification of element selected in the tree on the left hand side. |
5 | Property name | The name of conflicted property. |
6 | Local change | The value of property in local project copy. |
7 | Original value | The value of property before changed. In other words, it is the value in checkout copy. |
8 | Server value | The value of property in server project copy. |
9 | Show conflicts only | Check it to list only conflicted changes in the tree on the left hand side. Uncheck it to list all changes. |
10 | Overwrite by local | Click on this button to adopt the source copy. |
11 | Revert to server | Click on this button to adopt the target copy. |
12 | Next | Click this button to continue updating. |
13 | Cancel | Cancel updating and close the window. |
Reminder of updating
When your teammates have committed their work to server, you will see a notification appear at the bottom right of Visual Paradigm window, reminding you to perform an update to obtain the changes. By clicking Update, the latest changes will be updated from server to your project. The effect is like performing a manual update but without the need to go through the menus/toolbars.