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  4. 5. Writing Doc. Composer element templates
  5. DCTL Examples

DCTL Examples

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Working with Use Case Flow of Events

<ForEach property="stepContainers">
    <Property property="name"/>
        <FlowOfEventIterationBlock> <!-- Walk through each step (row) in a scenario -->
                    <FlowOfEventIndent/> <!-- Apply proper indentation to the current step. You don't have to specify the level of indentation. It's automatically done for you -->
                    <Property property="index" foreColor="#848284" style="Table Contents"/> <!-- The step number. We set its foreColor to a lighter one to make it looks like how it looks in Visual Paradigm -->

                    <Text style="Table Contents"> </Text>
                    <ValueChecker property="type" operator="not equals" value="">
                        <ValueChecker property="type" operator="not equals" value="system">
                            <Property property="type" foreColor="#00B200" style="Table Contents"/> <!-- @type here refers to 'control labels' like if, then, elseif -->
                        <ValueChecker property="type" operator="equals" value="system">
                            <Property property="type" foreColor="#CA6400" style="Table Contents"/> <!-- @type here refers to SYSTEM -->
                    <Property property="name" style="Table Contents"/> <!-- The content of step -->

Working with Sub-Diagrams

   <!-- Name of all sub-diagrams -->
      <Property property="name" />
   </ForEachSubDiagram >

   <!-- Name of all sub-BPD -->
   <ForEachSubDiagram diagramType="BusinessProcessDiagram">
      <Property property="name" />
   </ForEachSubDiagram >

Working with References

<!-- Output the name of all Use Case reference -->
<HasValueChecker property="references">
   <ForEach property="references">
      <ValueChecker property="type" operator="equals" value="Model Element">
         <ModelElementProperty property="url">
            <ValueChecker property="modelType" operator="equals" value="UseCase">
               <Property property="name" />

<!-- Output the name of all model elements that are referencing the querying element as 'Model Element Reference' -->
<HasValueChecker property="modelElementReferencedBys">
   <ForEach property="modelElementReferencedBys">
      <Property property="name"/>

<!-- Output the name of all model elements that are referencing the querying element as 'Shape Reference' -->
<HasValueChecker property="viewReferencedBys">
   <ForEach property="viewReferencedBys">
      <Property property="name"/>  

Working with Stereotypes and Tagged Values

<!-- Output the name of all assigned stereotypes -->
<HasValueChecker property="stereotypes">
   <ForEach property="stereotypes" ignoreLastSeparator="true">
         <Property property="name" />

<!-- Output the name of tagged values added -->
<HasValueChecker property="taggedValues">
   <ModelElementProperty property="taggedValues">
      <HasChildElementChecker modelType="TaggedValue">
         <IterationBlock modelType="TaggedValue">
            <Property property="name" />
            <Text> - </Text>
            <Property property="value" />

Working with Table Records of Entity

<!-- Check if an entity (i.e. DBTable) has record specified -->
<HasValueChecker property="records">
      <!-- Create a header row that shows the columns' name in each cell -->
         <IterationBlock modelType = "DBColumn">
               <Property property="name" />
      <!-- Create one row for each record -->
      <ModelElementProperty property="records">
         <IterationBlock modelType = "EntityRecord">
               <IterationBlock modelType = "EntityRecordCell">
                     <!-- Output the value directly if it's a general column -->
                     <Property property="value" />
                     <!-- Use the following method to output the value if it's a FK -->
                     <HasValueChecker property="value" flag="true">
                        <ModelElementProperty property="value">
                           <Property property="value" />

Working with Working Procedures of BPMN Task/Sub-Process

<!-- Check if a BPMN task/sub-process has working procedure entered -->
<HasValueChecker property="bpProcedures">

   <!-- Retrieve the procedure steps -->
   <ForEach property="bpProcedures">
      <Property property="name" style="@heading"/>
      <!-- Retrieve the steps in the querying procedure set -->
      <ForEach property="bpProcedureSteps">
         <Property property="name"/>

Working with Action and Action’s Type

<HasChildElementChecker flag="true">
   <TableBlock colWidths="1,2" tableWidth="14500" alignment="right">
         <TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
            <Text style="Column header 1">Element</Text>
         <TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
            <Text style="Column header 1">Description</Text>
      <IterationBlock modelType="ActivityAction">
         <!-- Sort the activities by name. -->
            <Sorting by="name"></Sorting>

         <ValueChecker property="modelType" operator="not equals" value="">
               <TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
                  <Property property="name" style="Table Contents"/>
               <TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
                  <ValueChecker property = "documentation" operator = "NOT EQUAL" value = "">
                     <Property property="documentation" style="Table Contents"/>

                  <ModelElementProperty property="actionType">
                     <!-- Call Behavior Action -->
                     <ValueChecker property="modelType" operator="equals" value="CallBehaviorAction">
                        <Text style="Table Contents">Call action:</Text>
                        <HasValueChecker property="behavior" flag="true">
                           <ModelElementProperty property="behavior">
                              <Property property="name" style="TableContents" isBold="true"/>
                        <HasValueChecker property="behavior" flag="false">
                           <Text style="Table Contents"><Unspecified></Text>
                     <!-- Call Operation Action -->
                     <ValueChecker property="modelType" operator="equals" value="CallOperationAction">
                        <Text style="Table Contents">Call operation:</Text>
                        <HasValueChecker property="operation" flag="true">
                           <ModelElementProperty property="operation">
                                 <Property property="name" style="Table Contents"  isBold="true"/>
                              <Text style="Table Contents">.</Text>
                              <Property property="name" style="Table Contents"  isBold="true"/>
                        <HasValueChecker property="operation" flag="false">
                           <Text style="Table Contents"><Unspecified></Text>

Working with Chart Relations

<!-- Show the Chart Relations details -->
<HasValueChecker property="chartRelations">
   <Text style="@heading+">Chart Relations</Text>

   <TableBlock tableStyle="Summaries" colWidths="20, 80">

      <ForEach property="chartRelations">
               <ModelElementProperty property="code">
                  <Property property="code"/>
               <ModelElementProperty property="from">
                  <Property property="name"/>
               <ModelElementProperty property="to">
                  <Property property="name"/>


Working with Model Transitor

<!-- Check if the querying element has transition, either from/to -->
<HasValueChecker property="Traceability">
   <Text>Traceability detected.</Text>

<!-- List out the Transit From elements -->
<Text isBold="true">Transit From:</Text>
<ForEach property="transitFrom">
   <Property property="name"/>

<!-- List out the Transit To elements -->
<Text isBold="true">Transit To:</Text>
<ForEach property="transitTo">
   <Property property="name"/>

<!-- List out the Transit From diagrams -->
<Text isBold="true">Transit From (Diagram):</Text>
<ForEachDiagram property="transitFrom">
   <Property property="name"/>

<!-- List out the Transit To diagrams -->
<Text isBold="true">Transit To (Diagram):</Text>
<ForEachDiagram property="transitTo">
   <Property property="name"/>

Working with InstanceSpecification in an Object Diagram

<!-- Print the description of instanceSpecifications and their classifiers, in a given object diagram-->
    <IterationBlock modelType="InstanceSpecification">
        <!-- Name of instance (in ${instance_name} : ${classifier} format)-->
        <Property property="name"/>
        <Text> : </Text>
        <HasValueChecker property="classifiers">
            <ForEach property="classifiers">
                <Property property="name" />

        <!-- Description of class-->
        <Text isBold="true">Description of classifier: </Text>
        <HasValueChecker property="classifiers">
            <ForEach property="classifiers">
                <Property property="description" />

        <!-- Description of instance-->
        <Text isBold="true">Description of instance: </Text>
        <Property property="description"/>