Chapter 27. Export and Import

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  4. 4. Importing
  5. Importing Rational System Architect to Visual Paradigm

Importing Rational System Architect to Visual Paradigm

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  1. Save your Telelogic System Architect drawing:
    A Rational System Architect drawing
  2. To import a Rational System Architect project into Visual Paradigm, select Project > Import > Rational System Architect in the toolbar of Visual Paradigm.
  3. Specify the file path of the Rational System Architect project.
    Specifying Rational System Architect path

    No. Name Description
    1 File path The path of Rational System Architect .xml file to be imported.
    2 Import Color and Font By selecting this option, colors and fonts of the shapes to be imported will remain unchanged. Otherwise, Visual Paradigm‘s default settings will be applied.
    3 Auto Fit Size By selecting this option, shapes’ size will be optimized to their possible minimum size. Otherwise, the original size of the imported shapes will remain unchanged.
    4 OK Click OK to proceed with importing Rational System Architect.
    5 Cancel Click Cancel to discard importing XML.
  4. Click OK to start importing. When import is completed, the message pane will popup with a notification appear in it. Select View > Project Browser in the toolbar. The Diagrams view lists the imported diagram(s). You can then double click on the thumbnail to open the diagram.