Chapter 36. NAF Tool

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  5. C7 – Performance Parameters

C7 – Performance Parameters

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The capability requirements (and existing capabilities) are often expressed in terms of MoEs. These are high-level metrics used to judge the level of capability.


The intended usage of the C7 includes:

  • Setting Capability Requirements.
  • Military Estimates.
  • Strategic Reviews.
  • Planning Assumptions.

Creating a Performance Parameters table

To create a Performance Parameters table:

  1. Click on Performance Parameters in the Action Artifact area, and then select Create New Diagram.
  2. Type the diagram name and press Enter.
  3. Create a new row of performance measurement.
  4. Click on the cell of the Capability column and select the Capability to be measured. Capabilities are defined in C1.
  5. Fill-in the other cells.

NATO NAF Example: Performance Parameters