Chapter 36. NAF Tool

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  4. 6. Architecture Meta-Data Viewpoints
  5. A1 – Meta-Data Definitions

A1 – Meta-Data Definitions

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Architectures, particularly large ones, usually require meta-data tags to aid with searching and discovery.


The intended usage of the A1 includes:

  • Setting up standard tag types for the architecture.
  • Assigning tags to architectural elements.

Creating a Meta-Data Definitions diagram

To create a Meta-Data Definitions diagram:

  1. Click on Meta-Data Definitions in the Action Artifact area, and then select Create New Diagram.
  2. Type the diagram name and press Enter.
  3. A blank diagram is created and you can start constructing the view.
  4. To create a stereotype, select Stereotype from the diagram toolbar and then click on the diagram.
  5. You are prompted to select the base type of the stereotype. Let’s say if you want to define a stereotype for class, select Class. Confirm.
  6. Type the stereotype name.
  7. To define the tagged values for this stereotype, right-click on the shape and select Open Specification… from the popup menu.
  8. Open the Tagged Value Definitions tab and define the tagged values there.

To apply a stereotype:

Once you’ve defined a stereotype, you can apply it to an element. Let’s say if you have defined a stereotype for class, to apply the stereotype to a class:

  1. Right-click on the class and select Open Specification… from the popup menu.
  2. Open the Stereotypes tab.
  3. Select the stereotype there.

NATO NAF Example: Meta-Data Definitions