Architectures, particularly large ones, usually require meta-data tags to aid with searching and discovery.
The intended usage of the A1 includes:
- Setting up standard tag types for the architecture.
- Assigning tags to architectural elements.
Creating a Meta-Data Definitions diagram
To create a Meta-Data Definitions diagram:
- Click on Meta-Data Definitions in the Action Artifact area, and then select Create New Diagram.
- Type the diagram name and press Enter.
- A blank diagram is created and you can start constructing the view.
- To create a stereotype, select Stereotype from the diagram toolbar and then click on the diagram.
- You are prompted to select the base type of the stereotype. Let’s say if you want to define a stereotype for class, select Class. Confirm.
- Type the stereotype name.
- To define the tagged values for this stereotype, right-click on the shape and select Open Specification… from the popup menu.
- Open the Tagged Value Definitions tab and define the tagged values there.
To apply a stereotype:
Once you’ve defined a stereotype, you can apply it to an element. Let’s say if you have defined a stereotype for class, to apply the stereotype to a class:
- Right-click on the class and select Open Specification… from the popup menu.
- Open the Stereotypes tab.
- Select the stereotype there.