Chapter 36. NAF Tool

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  4. 6. Architecture Meta-Data Viewpoints
  5. A2 – Architecture Products

A2 – Architecture Products

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The A2 Viewpoint specifies the structure of architecture, and the products that describe the architecture. Each product may correspond to an architecture view. This viewpoint also traces the architectures onto the Enterprise Phases they correspond to (see also C2 – Enterprise Vision) and identifies the key stakeholders, their concerns and the products that address those concerns (from\ ISO/IEC/IEEE Standards).


The intended usage of the A2 includes:

  • Summarizing an Architecture.
  • Navigating an Architecture.

Creating an Architecture Products table

To create an Architecture Products table:

  1. Click on Architecture Products in the Action Artifact area.
  2. This opens the table of Architecture Products. Click on New Architecture Product above the table to create a new row of products.
  3. Enter the name of the product.

NATO NAF Example: Architecture Products