Chapter 36. DoDAF Tool

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  4. 7. Services Viewpoint
  5. SvcV-7 – Services Measures Matrix

SvcV-7 – Services Measures Matrix

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The SvcV-7 depicts the measures (metrics) of resources. The Services Measures Matrix expands on the information presented in a SvcV-1 Services Context Description by depicting the characteristics of the resources in the SvcV-1 Services Context Description.


The intended usage of the SvcV-7 includes:

  • Definition of performance characteristics and measures (metrics).
  • Identification of non-functional requirements.

Product Description

The SV-7 specifies, in a tabular format, qualitative and quantitative measures (metrics) of resources. It specifies all of the measures. The measures are selected by the end-user community and described by the architect.

One of the primary purposes of SvcV-7 is to communicate which measures are considered most crucial for the successful achievement of the mission goals assigned. These particular measures can often be the deciding factors in acquisition and deployment decisions, and figure strongly in services analysis and simulations done to support the acquisition decision processes and system design refinement and be input or may impact decisions about Service Level Agreement content.

Creating a Services Measures Matrix

To create a Services Measures Matrix:

  1. Click on Services Measures Matrix in the Action Artifact area, and then select Create New Diagram.
  2. Type the diagram name and press Enter.
  3. This opens a table where you can create and manage performance measures.
  4. Create a new row of performance measurement.
  5. Click on the cell of the Resource Name column and select the ResourceArchitecture / System / ResourceMitigation / SecurityEnclave / CapabilityConfiguration / Organization / Person / Post / Responsibility / Project / NaturalResource / ResourceArtifact / Software / Technology / KnownResource to be measured.
  6. Fill-in the other cells.

DoDAF Example: Services Measure Matrix

DoDAF in Visual Paradigm

The DoDAF is brought to you by Visual Paradigm, a full-featured development platform. Visual Paradigm provides an easy-to-use, model-driven DoDAF tool that supports the development of DoDAF 2.02 views and models. You can create integrated DoDAF products and generate architectural documents that facilitate organizations to efficiently coordinate enterprise architecture initiatives.